So honestly, how old am I - 21/08/06
Bit of a quiet week really so this could be a shorter entry than normal. Contender was good on Monday and has at last provided some one I don't like. I realise that being a reality show it can be edited in a way to make the viewer dislike someone but there was there was this slick arrogant boxer who I didn't warm to. Granted he is very good and knocked his opponent out in the first round. The opponent got up and struggled on but there was a lot of showboating and arrogance which I really don't like.
I know Sergio or the Latin Snake used to do but it was good because you knew that out of the ring Sergio acted with manners and humility. This guy didn't and I would like to see him put on his arse. No lost on Tuesday so I attempted to work on last weeks entry, which as you probably noticed was quite long.
A guy at work on Wednesday drew my attention to this yearly dance event in Amsterdam called Sensation White. I did a little research and it looked truly wicked. 40,000 clubbers who could only wear white clothing getting down to some bangin trance. It happens on the first Saturday of every July and has been going for six years. Rather frustratingly it's the first I've ever heard of it. I keep my ear reasonably close to the dance scene and had certainly heard of the dance valley events that take place in Holland but they have an attendance of about 25,000. The videos for the events on their website look so cool with all those people in white and truly astonishing production values with lasers, lights, performers etc inside these vast arenas. If I'd known about them earlier I would like to have gone with my bro. Guess I'll just have to wait until next year now though I'll have to be quick as all the tickets sold out this year in less than four hours.
Uneventful Thursday and Friday really. Had some excellent fish and chips on Friday night from my local chippie, The Frying Pan. Got in there and he put on some fresh fish and had just started cooking some new chips. Chatted to the guy in there as I always do, which is always a laugh, while we waited for the food. As we left the shop and headed back to the car two female hood rats who been standing round the corner asked if we could buy them some alcohol. They'd slapped on the makeup to look older, and one of them had the body of an older girl, but I wasn't in a mood to help. I probably came across as a right old fart as my response of 'sorry love I've just got some lovely fish and chips which I'm looking forward to' must have made me look particularly sad. It always intrigues me how far these girls would go for some alcohol. If my brother and I had turned round and said 'Yeah let's get some drink, head back to mine where I will feed you absinthe, aftershock and vodka and then we can play strip jenga all night' would they run a mile. Fear not I'm not about to say that but you do wonder what responses they must hear.
We hired out a couple of DVD's to watch. The Spartan with Val Kilmer and 16 Blocks with Bruce Willis. Both started reasonably well and The Spartan had a twisting plot as one might expect from David Mamet but it seemed to get caught up in it's own plot and realising the depth of story it had dug seemed to rush the ending. They were both entertaining but kinda forgettable and formulaic.
Great session in the gym on Saturday. The earphones are still holding up very well and I'm really pleased with that purchase. I can't figure it out on a Saturday. I work out really hard and sweat a lot. I then follow my work out by going in the steam room. After the session I've always got a headache for the rest of the day. Now I realise it must be down to dehydration but I drink masses on a Saturday both during the running, in between the weights, right after the workout, while I'm in the steam room and then again when I leave. Couple this with a wednesday night where I sweat just as much, hardly drink and never get a headache. One of those things I guess.
Had an early start going out as we decided to check out the new Christian Bale film, Harsh Times. It was ok but had been billed as a training day wannabe but it felt more like Boys n the Hood meets the Deer Hunter. It was entertaining, the story was involving and Bale put in another excellent performance but I was glad that I hadn't been looking forward to seeing it for some time.
Hit the wine bar in Blackheath again, this time with friend and brother. Wasn't sure if he was going to get in as he's just about to turn 21 and the entry requirements are 24. We breezed in earlyish and as he's quite tall, and we look so old, weren't stopped at all. We had some drinks and it was good for bro to experience a more relaxed, less combative vibe than what you can find in the bars than he can normally get into. There were girls in there but as usual they all seemed to know everyone else. My mate instigated conversation with two women and we chatted to them. It's quite fun to go through that initial water treading of conversation before you relax into an easy patter with people.
The women were out celebrating one of their birthdays and did the classic 'How old do you think we are'. I deliberately falsely guessed one of them as being 27. 'No, be serious' I was told ' be honest, I can take it, I've no hang ups about my age' she continued. I looked her up and down and said '38' her face fell and she mock kicked me. Women are typical, they say they can take the truth and when you are bang on they get the arse. To be honest she didn't have the arse, more like a little cheesed off. We decided to pay them back and asked them to guess what the connection was between two out of the three of us. They decided that my brother and mate were brothers and when pushed as to how they could tell said because they had the same lips.
They were nice girls though and we headed downstairs to the club part with them. I was chatting to this one lady who seemed quite insecure. She'd been married for 15 years before her husband left her at christmas with two five year old kids. We were talking about men paying for the meals on dates and she was saying how she couldn't understand how anyone would want to buy her dinner. There were times when I had my head close to hers so I could hear her talk that I was aware of her proximity and just wanted to put my arms round her and give her a cuddle. She wasn't morose or depressing but I felt she could have done with some affection. There were also times when my brother held court with them which I think can only be good for his confidence. He's a good looking chap who is a lot more able and articulate than I was when approaching 21.
We drove the girls back to their apartment and popped in for a cup of tea. It's these moments where I truly excel if I'm not drinking. Everyone can relax as I calmly take over, pop on the kettle and fix everyone up some drinks. It seems the inebbriated host is always more concerned with showing others around the property or choosing the right music to play so I just get on with fixing stuff for everyone, grateful that someone has found me trustworthy or friendly enough to let me in their house. I do, I must confess, still find it amazing that women ask guys back to their flats after only having chatted with them for a couple of hours. You are never sure whether they do it all the time or have simply identified very quickly that I'm 'safe'. We all chatted for an hour or two and then we headed off home. Maybe we will see them again in the wine bar which would be nice. Bro was hungry so after dropping my mate off naturally had to stop at the tea hut for the requisite nosebag.
Sunday was a lesson in the art of abject laziness. Dragged myself out of my pit, chucked some frozen sausages in the oven while I put on load one of four eventual loads of washing, pulled the sausages out for a nice sausage sandwich with a large mug of tea and settled down to watch the MotoGP. There had been a month off since Laguna Seca and I was looking forward to it getting back underway. Capirosi on his Ducati smashed the hell out of everyone and was putting almost half a second every lap on everyone else including Rossi. Pedrosa took the fight to Rossi and they swapped places about four or five times in a lap but Pedrosa dropped back with about two laps to go. There was a real duke out for fourth place between Melandri, Stoner, Roberts and Hayden which we only got snapshots of due to the camera nearly always having to be on Rossi.
Suzi Perry pissed me off after digging at Hayden for still living at home above a garage and saying that Pedrosa was far from popular with the crowd and ridiculing him for never smiling. I'd love it if one of them won the championship and when Suzi requested an interview they told her to fuckoff and that maybe if she had been a little more impartial and not so one sided that they might have done. Silly, self important cow.
Continued the strenuous activities by playing some Black and then watching The Magnificent Seven again. What a great film this still is. Excellent music and scenes. The characters are all so diverse and the actors do well with them that you really would like to know more about them individually. Amazing how today's films find it hard enough to create even one memorable character let along seven. The opening scene where Chris and Vin take the coffin to boot hill is cracking as is Chris's indication to the travelling salesman where he has come from and where he is going. If you could be any of the characters who would it be? It's a toughie and that's rare for a film. Yul Bryner and Steve McQueen are both great and I'd happily be them but James Coburn's character Britt, who hardly says a word, is outstanding. He also has the honour of saying the films best line "Nobody throws me my guns and tells me to run, nobody".
Completed the inactivity with a take out pizza from Pizza Hut (deep pan meat feast - is there any better) and Evil Dead III - Army of Darkness. Still a great film and after seeing Bubba Ho tep the previous weekend filled our craving for some Bruce Campbell.
Have a good bank holiday weekend and I'll be sure to bore you again next week.
I know Sergio or the Latin Snake used to do but it was good because you knew that out of the ring Sergio acted with manners and humility. This guy didn't and I would like to see him put on his arse. No lost on Tuesday so I attempted to work on last weeks entry, which as you probably noticed was quite long.
A guy at work on Wednesday drew my attention to this yearly dance event in Amsterdam called Sensation White. I did a little research and it looked truly wicked. 40,000 clubbers who could only wear white clothing getting down to some bangin trance. It happens on the first Saturday of every July and has been going for six years. Rather frustratingly it's the first I've ever heard of it. I keep my ear reasonably close to the dance scene and had certainly heard of the dance valley events that take place in Holland but they have an attendance of about 25,000. The videos for the events on their website look so cool with all those people in white and truly astonishing production values with lasers, lights, performers etc inside these vast arenas. If I'd known about them earlier I would like to have gone with my bro. Guess I'll just have to wait until next year now though I'll have to be quick as all the tickets sold out this year in less than four hours.
Uneventful Thursday and Friday really. Had some excellent fish and chips on Friday night from my local chippie, The Frying Pan. Got in there and he put on some fresh fish and had just started cooking some new chips. Chatted to the guy in there as I always do, which is always a laugh, while we waited for the food. As we left the shop and headed back to the car two female hood rats who been standing round the corner asked if we could buy them some alcohol. They'd slapped on the makeup to look older, and one of them had the body of an older girl, but I wasn't in a mood to help. I probably came across as a right old fart as my response of 'sorry love I've just got some lovely fish and chips which I'm looking forward to' must have made me look particularly sad. It always intrigues me how far these girls would go for some alcohol. If my brother and I had turned round and said 'Yeah let's get some drink, head back to mine where I will feed you absinthe, aftershock and vodka and then we can play strip jenga all night' would they run a mile. Fear not I'm not about to say that but you do wonder what responses they must hear.
We hired out a couple of DVD's to watch. The Spartan with Val Kilmer and 16 Blocks with Bruce Willis. Both started reasonably well and The Spartan had a twisting plot as one might expect from David Mamet but it seemed to get caught up in it's own plot and realising the depth of story it had dug seemed to rush the ending. They were both entertaining but kinda forgettable and formulaic.
Great session in the gym on Saturday. The earphones are still holding up very well and I'm really pleased with that purchase. I can't figure it out on a Saturday. I work out really hard and sweat a lot. I then follow my work out by going in the steam room. After the session I've always got a headache for the rest of the day. Now I realise it must be down to dehydration but I drink masses on a Saturday both during the running, in between the weights, right after the workout, while I'm in the steam room and then again when I leave. Couple this with a wednesday night where I sweat just as much, hardly drink and never get a headache. One of those things I guess.
Had an early start going out as we decided to check out the new Christian Bale film, Harsh Times. It was ok but had been billed as a training day wannabe but it felt more like Boys n the Hood meets the Deer Hunter. It was entertaining, the story was involving and Bale put in another excellent performance but I was glad that I hadn't been looking forward to seeing it for some time.
Hit the wine bar in Blackheath again, this time with friend and brother. Wasn't sure if he was going to get in as he's just about to turn 21 and the entry requirements are 24. We breezed in earlyish and as he's quite tall, and we look so old, weren't stopped at all. We had some drinks and it was good for bro to experience a more relaxed, less combative vibe than what you can find in the bars than he can normally get into. There were girls in there but as usual they all seemed to know everyone else. My mate instigated conversation with two women and we chatted to them. It's quite fun to go through that initial water treading of conversation before you relax into an easy patter with people.
The women were out celebrating one of their birthdays and did the classic 'How old do you think we are'. I deliberately falsely guessed one of them as being 27. 'No, be serious' I was told ' be honest, I can take it, I've no hang ups about my age' she continued. I looked her up and down and said '38' her face fell and she mock kicked me. Women are typical, they say they can take the truth and when you are bang on they get the arse. To be honest she didn't have the arse, more like a little cheesed off. We decided to pay them back and asked them to guess what the connection was between two out of the three of us. They decided that my brother and mate were brothers and when pushed as to how they could tell said because they had the same lips.
They were nice girls though and we headed downstairs to the club part with them. I was chatting to this one lady who seemed quite insecure. She'd been married for 15 years before her husband left her at christmas with two five year old kids. We were talking about men paying for the meals on dates and she was saying how she couldn't understand how anyone would want to buy her dinner. There were times when I had my head close to hers so I could hear her talk that I was aware of her proximity and just wanted to put my arms round her and give her a cuddle. She wasn't morose or depressing but I felt she could have done with some affection. There were also times when my brother held court with them which I think can only be good for his confidence. He's a good looking chap who is a lot more able and articulate than I was when approaching 21.
We drove the girls back to their apartment and popped in for a cup of tea. It's these moments where I truly excel if I'm not drinking. Everyone can relax as I calmly take over, pop on the kettle and fix everyone up some drinks. It seems the inebbriated host is always more concerned with showing others around the property or choosing the right music to play so I just get on with fixing stuff for everyone, grateful that someone has found me trustworthy or friendly enough to let me in their house. I do, I must confess, still find it amazing that women ask guys back to their flats after only having chatted with them for a couple of hours. You are never sure whether they do it all the time or have simply identified very quickly that I'm 'safe'. We all chatted for an hour or two and then we headed off home. Maybe we will see them again in the wine bar which would be nice. Bro was hungry so after dropping my mate off naturally had to stop at the tea hut for the requisite nosebag.
Sunday was a lesson in the art of abject laziness. Dragged myself out of my pit, chucked some frozen sausages in the oven while I put on load one of four eventual loads of washing, pulled the sausages out for a nice sausage sandwich with a large mug of tea and settled down to watch the MotoGP. There had been a month off since Laguna Seca and I was looking forward to it getting back underway. Capirosi on his Ducati smashed the hell out of everyone and was putting almost half a second every lap on everyone else including Rossi. Pedrosa took the fight to Rossi and they swapped places about four or five times in a lap but Pedrosa dropped back with about two laps to go. There was a real duke out for fourth place between Melandri, Stoner, Roberts and Hayden which we only got snapshots of due to the camera nearly always having to be on Rossi.
Suzi Perry pissed me off after digging at Hayden for still living at home above a garage and saying that Pedrosa was far from popular with the crowd and ridiculing him for never smiling. I'd love it if one of them won the championship and when Suzi requested an interview they told her to fuckoff and that maybe if she had been a little more impartial and not so one sided that they might have done. Silly, self important cow.
Continued the strenuous activities by playing some Black and then watching The Magnificent Seven again. What a great film this still is. Excellent music and scenes. The characters are all so diverse and the actors do well with them that you really would like to know more about them individually. Amazing how today's films find it hard enough to create even one memorable character let along seven. The opening scene where Chris and Vin take the coffin to boot hill is cracking as is Chris's indication to the travelling salesman where he has come from and where he is going. If you could be any of the characters who would it be? It's a toughie and that's rare for a film. Yul Bryner and Steve McQueen are both great and I'd happily be them but James Coburn's character Britt, who hardly says a word, is outstanding. He also has the honour of saying the films best line "Nobody throws me my guns and tells me to run, nobody".
Completed the inactivity with a take out pizza from Pizza Hut (deep pan meat feast - is there any better) and Evil Dead III - Army of Darkness. Still a great film and after seeing Bubba Ho tep the previous weekend filled our craving for some Bruce Campbell.
Have a good bank holiday weekend and I'll be sure to bore you again next week.
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