
Talking dogs and Barcelona - 27/11/06

A quiet day in the office on Monday. We've prepped our clients for our absence from the office on Thursday and Friday and thankfully it seems that work won't be chasing us right up to the 11th hour. Due to the break in and the shutters not being fixed myself and the two bosses are having to take the Mac's and PC's home with us to ensure their safety as they can't be left in the office. Because of taking these home I didn't go swimming this night. To be honest as well as not wanting the hassle of removing all the items from the car and then heading back out I didn't want to run the risk of catching any bug or pushing too hard with only a few days to go. When we went to Vegas my boss and friend managed to come down with a cold/flu thing which although didn't ruin the trip still meant he wasn't firing on all cyclinders. I used the time to work on my journal and when I got home to iron and prep my suitcase.

Tuesday was a little busier with a hot lunch and a video on Youtube that was brilliant. If you go onto You tube and type in sweet-talkin-dogs this video comes up with a collection of talking dogs. I confess to being a softie and some of these are amazing and wonderful. The first one saying 'I love momma' is really cute but my two faves would be the Dalmation who says 'Hello' and the dog that follows it who when asked twice whether he wants something responds with 'I want it'. I'm know I'm being a big kid but hell I'm a sensitive soul and aren't always obsessed with big boobs and computer games, well maybe not all the time. Finished packing the suitcase that night all of which was done without the use of a list. A little maverick you might think, especially for a Virgoan who loves writing lists, but this time I couldn't be arsed and simply ran through what I would need every day and night in my mind and whether I had the tools, clothes and toiletries to do that.

Wednesday was tidying up final bits and pieces in the office and ensuring that we were all ready for the off. I knocked up a list for us all of contact names and numbers and a rough itinerary of what we had planned etc for when the trip started. I didn't quite seem to know what to do when I got home. Normally I'd been in a semi-controlled state of frenzy while I got together final bits and pieces but it had all been done and I felt like a bit of a spare part. My mind couldn't reconcile that it was all done and I could fully relax and enjoy the evening. Cooked up some Spag Bol for a good nights eating but it didn't help to make me feel sleepy. Although I needed to be up at 5am I eventually hit the sack at 2am before waking again at 3am.

Thursday. Trip began and here I will direct you to the trip report in the Holiday section of my website if I may. You might need to give me a few days to compile it.


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