Free Bird 14/03/2006
Ah well, another week another dollar as they say. My attempt to regain my pre Vegas physique continued with another swimming trip and a return to the Gym after four months of absence. It doesn't seem like four months. Some familiar faces are still there along with some familiar smells, particularly that first slightly un-fresh whiff as you enter the male changing rooms. It was good to be back and I'm going to try to stick to two visits a week rather than the three times and a swimming trip that I did last autumn.
A friend bought me the Lynyrd Skynyrd album as I'd been going on about the song Free Bird. Someone else in the office had mentioned it and I discovered it was the cracking guitar tune that is playing in Forrest Gump when Jenny clambers up onto the balcony and contemplates suicide. It's awesome and this album has a 9.04 version on it. Bliss, pure bliss. The last 4-5 minutes are like guitar sex and it's been my song of the week. The same group also did Sweet Home Alabama, which is also very good.
Not much else to report. Saw Syriana on Saturday which was disappointing. Even though it's a supposed Clooney film all of his role in the film is what you see in the trailer and thus has little or no excitement. They've been playing the trailer for so long that it practically tells the entire story. He's an agent, who is sent to take some out, gets caught himself, is left out to dry and then trys to warn the very person he meant to kill. Yawn. It reminded me of the lazy filmmaking present in Munich. They assume that the subject matter has so much weight and gravitas that they don't need to make the film entertaining and then fill it with a multitude of characters to tick all the boxes but who you can't really connect with because there are just too many.
A friend also designed me some very plain but wonderfully classy business style cards for me to hand out to people, ok girls, that I think are memorable and who I might want to make an introduction to but either didn't have the courage or opportunity to do it face to face with a cheesy chat up line. It's just a bit of fun though and not a stalky or demented thing.
I did try and fulfill a challenge in the office this week. It was basically to go the entire week during office hours without burping, swearing, singing, extending my middle finger and waving it in someone's face (as the doctor does in the cannonball run) or slapping my soft belly. I commenced this arduous challenge at 3.00pm on Monday and failed it at around 10.00am ish on Tuesday by starting to sing along with Danke Schoen when it came on the radio. Pathetic attempt and I so lost the prize which would have been half the money towards an ipod nano.
A friend bought me the Lynyrd Skynyrd album as I'd been going on about the song Free Bird. Someone else in the office had mentioned it and I discovered it was the cracking guitar tune that is playing in Forrest Gump when Jenny clambers up onto the balcony and contemplates suicide. It's awesome and this album has a 9.04 version on it. Bliss, pure bliss. The last 4-5 minutes are like guitar sex and it's been my song of the week. The same group also did Sweet Home Alabama, which is also very good.
Not much else to report. Saw Syriana on Saturday which was disappointing. Even though it's a supposed Clooney film all of his role in the film is what you see in the trailer and thus has little or no excitement. They've been playing the trailer for so long that it practically tells the entire story. He's an agent, who is sent to take some out, gets caught himself, is left out to dry and then trys to warn the very person he meant to kill. Yawn. It reminded me of the lazy filmmaking present in Munich. They assume that the subject matter has so much weight and gravitas that they don't need to make the film entertaining and then fill it with a multitude of characters to tick all the boxes but who you can't really connect with because there are just too many.
A friend also designed me some very plain but wonderfully classy business style cards for me to hand out to people, ok girls, that I think are memorable and who I might want to make an introduction to but either didn't have the courage or opportunity to do it face to face with a cheesy chat up line. It's just a bit of fun though and not a stalky or demented thing.
I did try and fulfill a challenge in the office this week. It was basically to go the entire week during office hours without burping, swearing, singing, extending my middle finger and waving it in someone's face (as the doctor does in the cannonball run) or slapping my soft belly. I commenced this arduous challenge at 3.00pm on Monday and failed it at around 10.00am ish on Tuesday by starting to sing along with Danke Schoen when it came on the radio. Pathetic attempt and I so lost the prize which would have been half the money towards an ipod nano.
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