
The pursuit of Easter weekend fun 18/04/2006

Please excuse my delay in posting. For those observant ones the entry below was a little late but a burglary at the office meant all of our computers were removed and my access to the web limited. Needless to say dealing with this meant a good few days of sorting stuff out and general busy-ness. Still went swimming though, which was thankfully a little quieter due to the school holidays. No girl in the black swimsuit again but I did bump into an old friend and headed back to his for a glass of coke and a chat.

He is a teacher now and a very good school friend, he was the mate who told me how to masturbate way back when I was a teenager and if for nothing else holds a special place for that! His wife is great as well (she's been pestering me for a mention on my site so here it is Jen) and they've just had their second child. We chewed the fat which we are always good at doing and he expresssed concerns over the revealing nature of my website. I put my point across which I think he kind of acknowledged but I understand and respect his opinion.

It was a short week and what with the changes at the office and gym on Wednesday it didn't seem long before it was Thursday night and the start of a four day holiday. Ideas were discussed and nights planned out to ensure full enjoyment of the time off.

Surprisingly I couldn't sleep on Thursday night. It seems to be a regular occurence and one I'm finding hard to fathom. I don't feel overly stressed and when I eventually hit the sack at around 1.00 ish I'm tired yet come 3.00 am and I'm still awake. I console myself that at least if I ever get someone in the sack I'll be able to keep them entertained all night long but I'm sure on that night I'll want to sleep like a baby. A change of bed linen made no difference, as did sleeping at the other end and I ended up having a toasted cheese sandwich and a glass of milk at 4.00 am while I watched an episode of Quantum Leap.

Friday was pretty lazy. A lie in, a little housework, tea, toast and completed Black on the xbox with was long, enjoyable and an orgy of gunfire and mindless destruction. Picked up my friend later on and headed to a bar called the Lounge for a few drinks before the main event. It was pretensious as it had been before and full of 1,000 a day plumbers in their best ripped jeans, open necked white shirts, jackets, brown shoes and gelled hair. The girls were more pleasing to the eye and though in manageable huddles were far too self important to talk to anyone other than their own clan and flirt with the bouncers who seemed to consider themselves even more important than the superstar barmen. We left around 10.00 navigating our way through the hordes of Range Rovers, BMW's and Porsche Cayanne's to my trusty steed.

After a recommendation from a girl we'd met a few months previously we decided to hit a place called Delano's. Many had told me it was a shithole yet no one it seemed had actually been inside it. Whilst queing we began to have our doubts. When I'd phoned the previous night the woman had been specific about the dress code yet it seemed to be being infringed by almost everyone in the queue, which I might add was almost entirely made up of drunken males.

There was a notification of the dress code on the wall which curiously stated that "Anyone wearing Timberland boots must wear a shirt with collar" - how strange. We paid our dues, having to become members in the process which would allow free entry in future if we ever got there before 10.30. We headed downstairs to find a grade A shit hole. One big room with a dance floor at one end, raised worn and faded sofas to two walls, a rectangular bar towards the rear which although having one of those running water walls inset into the middle was the kind of bar with a three shelved fridge but which the staff only felt was worth filling the top shelf with drink. The drink in question being the chic diamond white and their low grade version of red bull being something called Shark. I saw some people drinking cheap champagne and a couple of guys wandering around necking wine straight from the screw top bottle. There was a special VIP room but access was restricted to the normal plebs not by a guarding bouncer or braided rope but simply a black plastic dustbin - class!

There was the occasional pretty girl and a lot of hood rats but all the guys were younger and had this nervous, twitchy air about them that felt like it could kick off into a fight at any moment. They either seemed to be the shaven headed type or ones that modelled themselves on Jamie Oliver. At point a Pamela Anderson wannabe was ordering some drinks from the bar when a guy lay on his back, right on the floor with his face between her feet so he could look up her skirt. As if not repellant enough that he would think that action ok or laughable was his willingness to lay down on one of the scummyest floors I've ever seen. I'm no snob (ok maybe) but I'm sometimes disgusted by just letting the soles of my shoes touch the floor of a nightclub let alone lying on it.

I think we were noticed and probably for the wrong reasons but if we'd been younger, rougher, drunk and knew more people we might have had some fun but as this wasn't the case we left after about an hour or so. I guess you have to try new places, which we did and at least we now know what it is like though I don't think we will ever frequent it again. A disappointing night and not, I hoped, a foretaste of how the rest of the weekend might pan out.

Mid morning start on Saturday with a particularly long, arduous and sweaty session in the gym. On leaving the changing room I couldn't help but stop when I heard the most ridiculous song being played in the gym. Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh, well thats certainly a change from the collections of 90's pop house that they usually play to motivate the masses. Hair cut and then back home for a spot of home prepared carbonara. Yes I bought a Lloyd Grossman sauce but I did still chop the onions, bacon and mushrooms before adding to the tagliatelle and sauce. It was excellent, if a little tough to serve and the sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese naturally lifted it to a higher plane.

Getting ready to go out that night was made more fun as due to not having to drive I could have a drink or two during the preparations. Brother and I downed a couple of natty little shots that we had prepared which included aftershock, baileys, vodka and absinthe (85roof no less). It was a great drink actually with the Baileys helping it to slip down and the Absinthe making it's presence known by causing the hairs on your arms to stand up and your eyes to mist up. We carried on getting ready with 100 greatest TV themes playing and enjoying everything from the A-team to Cagney & Lacey. I slipped on my Geek t-shirt which I hoped would generate interest and grabbed my business card holder as I hoped to see some potential receivers in Infernos. The cab ran us to Clapham, collecting a friend en route and after grabbing an expensive drink in some bar we hit the club.

Like the High Street it was worringly devoid of life. We played some table football (the one with the fixed players on a pole that can spin round) between the three of us which wasted some time and generated some laughter. A drunken girl staggered up to us at one point. I tried to engage her in some conversation but she was a little too far gone. She was quite cute but after chatting a little more she simply wandered off. She attempted to head down the five simple steps that had led her up to where we were and just as my bro quietly muttered 'go on love, stack it' she tripped down the last few steps. Poor thing, I did feel for her but she was truly hammered. A few people went over to help and I did wonder where her friends were that they would just leave her on her own to fend for herself in such a pissed up state. She started chatting to two random guys and we headed upstairs.

The second level which is classly called 'The Discotheque' reeked of chunder, spilt milk and playschool plasticine which seemed to come and go in nauseous waves. One of the bar men did a great sales pitch by saying it would be busier the following night and when we grilled the roaming Sambuca girl she said the same. She was mighty fine but typically the best piece of arse we saw all night was one that we had to pay for. I think it was just the knowledge that by me drinking we didn't have the ability to move on if the night continued to disappoint. I hadn't been to Inferno's before when I was drinking and had been hoping for a messy evening. The ridiculously expensive bar bills put paid to that notion as we must have had a 120 whip between the three of us yet hardly seemed to get drunk. The club did begin to fill up and soon we seemed to be surrounded by nothing but rugger twats and guys who seemed intent on storing their drinks on the table we were leaning on.

We decided to move downstairs for a little more room, taking station at a table closer to the dance floor. The music got better or the alcohol began to take effect, not sure which, and I felt my feet begin to move and my mood begin to lighten. I'd hoped that tonight might be a good night for girls or mad fun and I think once I'd resigned myself to the fact that neither were going to happen I began to attempt to obtain a different form of enjoyment - dancing. There were a couple of podiums on the stage that were infrequently occupied by people of differing dancing abilities. I told my crew that I felt a podium appearance would be made this evening if the right song came on. Call on me by Eric Prydz dropped and that was it.

I raced across the dancefloor, bounced up onto the stage and hopped into the podium. I went for it, as by now I'm sure you can imagine. It's a good song to dance to and I let rip with the requisite hip thrusting, head twirling, body rubbing, pretend pulling the towel through your legs, bar grabbing, arse shaking routine that was needed. The song finished and I left the podium. No slaps on the arse, no smiles from anyone though I had heard clapping whilst performing my little routine. Unfortunately I did most of it with my eyes closed which although making me look like a way too serious twat did prevent the risk of seeing a sea of angry or laughing faces which would have curbed my number quicker than my pants falling down.

The three of us moved onto the dancefloor for the remaining hour and went for some high energy dancing to the likes of Thriller and Take on me. There was a very nice blonde who was close to us but she was draped all over this other guy. My friend got chatting to her mate and I although I kinda fancied her didn't attempt any eye contact because she was clearly into this other guy. I carried on dancing and the guy suddenly disappeared. I tried to ascertain what had happened from my chum and apparently the guy was gay and wasn't interested. What a waste.
A few guys seemed to suddenly close in on the blonde and rather than demean myself I continued to dance and laugh at their attempts to subtley, but not so subtley, get her attention. I even made a comment to her about their leaden attempts which made her laugh but I didn't want to push it. Unfortunately the time of our cab was approaching and I gave some thought to giving her a card (by the way when I say this I don't expect giving them one is going to guarantee me anything. I don't expect it to open their hearts or for them to suddenly realise what a fantastic guy I am but I only have limited numbers and hence I want to ensure that at least as far as I am concerned they have gone to girls who I personally think had something very special). She had a nice face, nice hair, good body and a low cut top but the fact that I'd only seen her for about twenty five minutes and in that time she had been chasing someone else made me think it would have been impetuous. If we'd had more time to interact maybe but she disappeared to the toilet or the bar and we left to get our cab.

Bro and I must have got in at about a quarter to four with a serious attack of the munchies. Granted I'd had a few but I was still ok and thus thought fuck it and fired up the grill and the deep fat dryer. Fifteen minutes later and we sat down to a plate of chips, baked beans and some rashers of bacon (which had been under the buy one get one free from Sainsburys earlier). Washed down with a cold glass of milk left a pleasantly full belly and cheerfully banished any chance of a hangover the following morning or later in the day if you know what I mean. Needless to say I slept well.

Sunday was relaxed. The normal chores of washing etc but a few cups of tea and the last two episodes of the third series of Quantum Leap were very enjoyable. In the last episode Sam received electro shock treatment at a mental institute which derailed his own personality and meant he dipped in and out of some of the other people that he had leapt into previously. It was a great episode and ended with him receiving another dose of electro shock treatment which caused him to leap but also connect with Al which meant that in a clever twist Al became physical and Sam became a hologram. It might not make much sense if you are not a geek/nerd/fan (denote as you see fit) but it made me look forward to getting the fourth series when it comes out.

Being Easter Sunday we headed over to my aunts for a family get together. They are normally held in the afternoon and I felt a bit bad as I'd made plans to head out with a friend on Sunday night to see if all the rumours about everyone being out on Sunday night instead of Saturday night were true. Thus I got to my Aunt's at 7 ish to tell her that I had to leave at 9.30. Strangely though giving myself a time limit compelled me to make a greater effort in chatting to my relatives and by the time I left I felt I'd talked to them more than I normally would have done.
Headed back to a local bar which, as some had predicted. was rammed. We had a few soft drinks as we had both driven there and with the downstairs part accepting no more people decided to call Inferno's bluff and see if it was busier. It wasn't. Strangely enough the management had closed the 'discotheque' upstairs though I hope this was as much for a damn good clean and fumigation as it was to maintain the numbers in the downstairs area. Not much was happening really. We did some people watching but the place wasn't catching fire. At one point my friend went to the toilet and returned with a beaming smile on his face. I asked what was up and he said well I ain't showing off but whilst taking a piss this guy had come in to pee next to him in the trough (he isn't pee shy like me you see) and then turned to say "I hope you don't mind me saying but a man with a knob that big could be a very confident man". My mate complemented the guy on having the confidence to wear a hat in the club which he was and told me that it wasn't a gay come on in any way. Dispels my theory about guys looking at others guys cocks when they are in the toilet doesn't it?

Tall, good looking, well off and now with an independantly recognised huge cock. Maybe my friend can throw some of his grade 10 scraps my way!

Monday was my last lie in before the return to work (not that this is something I dread) but I seemed to wake at half nine. I'd got in at about three ish yet felt that I'd had such a deep rewarding sleep that for a moment I was convinced I'd slept right through Monday and it was now in fact Tuesday and I was late for work. Watched Wedding Crashers in the afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it. Friends had said it was good but I'd missed it at the cinema and then had been reluctant to hire it out. It was great and I really identified with the two main characters. Granted they lied to get into the weddings but they weren't lazy sloths when in and did basically make the weddings by getting everyone going. Yes they may have told some fibs to the girls but they had made themselves the life and soul of the party and had put in the hours with the kids and old folks so I felt they kind of deserved the spoils. It also wasn't like they drugged the girls or anything, just basically wowed them into bed. I've never had this kind of success at weddings and haven't been to that many but a couple that I've been to and one particularly when I was an usher I think I made a huge impact, along with another friend, in getting everyone up and dancing and having a great time. The opening montage was excellent and really set the scene with a bevy of beautiful honeys including one called Diora Baird, who I confess I paused the film for to get a better look at, wow!

I know it was a rom com that followed a lot of cliches but I really bought into them and actually seemed to care about them all for a change including both girls who I also liked. It's funny but it showed that sometimes it takes lying (not that I would do this as I 'm a crap liar and think honesty is the best policy) to put yourself in totally unique and exciting positions. Let's face it unless you do something completely out of the ordinary how will you break the monotony of your normal surroundings and in turn meet people that you might not normally meet. A really enjoyable film but fear not it isn't going to make me start crashing weddings though maybe I'll try to look at them differently if I get to go to anymore. I know this sounds cheesy but I was really impressed by the line about what the definition of true love is. It's your souls recognition of it's counterpoint in another. I know in the film they tried to dismiss it with a joke about it being on a bumper sticker but I've got to say that for me it's one of the best definitions that I've ever heard and the one that I'd like to achieve.

Watched Star Trek II in the evening. I know this will open me up to more cries of geek but it's my favourite Star Trek film and so much better than the trash they started farming out from number V onwards. This has the legendary Kobiyashu Maru test and a genuine worthy adversary in the form of Khan. It also reminds me of the time when films had a real wonder to them. The score for it is the best ever (by James Horner) and it has the maturity to deal with the notion that a big victory has to come with a sacrifice and none bigger than Spock sacrificing his life for the good of the ship. Great drama and I love how when Kirk comes down and sees that his friend has died simply slumps to the floor, defeated as if the stuffing has been knocked out of him. For me this is how grief should be portayed. When you see a vibrant character that has almost bounced through the film reduced to a deflated, shell shocked state it has more impact and in turn more resonance with the audience. Well I liked it anyway.

Right oh that's been a bit of a monster session hasn't it. I see next weekend being very quiet with a watching of ones finances so you might want to give it a fortnight before checking back. Take care and in the words of Dave Allen may your god go with you.


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