
Running out of shower gel 25/05/2006

And here we are again with the explanation of my week. Managed to snap one of the tighteners on my goggles in the pool on Monday but I persevered and it didn't let in as much water as I'd expected. Good session though and swam for over an hour.

Tuesday was a Lost double bill night. My brother and I have decided to watch it every fortnight so that we get to watch one episode on Ch4 and then the next on E4. We find it better as I'm not then clock watching and becoming frustrated at some of the padding that might go on. You feel a lot more satisfied afterwards. It was entertaining as ever and further revealed some characters that may be interesting later in the series.

A friend lent me March of the Penguins which I enjoyed. It did show how good the work is of the BBC wildlife team in that it was comparable to this movie. The photography and narration by Morgan Freeman were excellent and there were many touching scenes in the film. The courting was particularly tender with the penguins revealing themselves to be quite tactile creatures. Even the actual mating which with some animals can seem almost 'animal like' had a rather gentle way about it. The sacrifices that they make to have children is truly remarkable and its almost like that their entire life after the age of five or so is just purely about producing kids. Makes you ponder the similarities with the human race and whether this the reason for our existence. I'm not saying I agree with it but seeing it so convincingly realised by the penguins then maybe this is the over riding purpose and reason for life - the continuation of your species. Some of the shots were very memorable such as the lone penguin wandering across the frozen land and the two parents touching foreheads while the baby chick sat between them. Good film.

I still seem to have trouble sleeping, despite my exercise endeavours, and coupled with attempting to eat less I am prone to become dozy around late afternoon unless I have some form of sugar intake. Dug out Britney Spears greatest hits album during the week. What an excellent album this is. I know the music fascists will be up in arms with protests of it being crap and me being obviously gay for enjoying it but I for one like her. The tunes are catchy and varied and it's a great album to sing along to. Favourite tune would be stronger but there are many others on there that I like.

Had a further indication of the power of the internet when I bought my car tax disc online. Thankfully the money I got for doing the election nicely covered the cost, so impact on my normal finances was minimal. Amazing really that you can buy something like that off the net and how quickly they can automatically check your insurance details. Oh well at least it saved me the hassle of having to go and queue in a smelly post office.

Work was a little quiet this week so I also ordered the new Armin van Buuren album. They only seem to have released it in the US so I had to import it. It arrived today so am listening to it whilst I write. So far it's delivering good, quality trance and I'm happy. I also saw something on a web site that reminded me of the classic (and much favoured by myself) novel 'I am Legend' and I decided to scoot around for some more apocalyptic books. Ordered a couple including Nevil Shute's ' On the Beach' which I think is quite famous. Knowing me I'll never get round to reading them unless I have a beach holiday to go on and I don't have plans for them at the moment. I see the value of holidays but view them as a guilty treat and almost feel I want to break the back of the year (july ish time) before I would even consider the luxury or waste of money (depending on how you look at it) of going on holiday. I find it such a difficult thing to reconcile. Well the cost that is. Were I in a relationship then the idea of going away is more logical but on one's own or with friends and I get guilty and feel the money could be put to better use or saved away for a deposit or rainy day.

Going back to the books though. I'm always drawn to these apocalyptic type of books. Maybe its the issues of loneliness and having to fend for yourself, maybe the lack of rules and regulations to adhere to or even that being only one of a handful of people left might mean that at last you could actually make a difference. My imagination was over stimulated at a younger age with the likes of Domain and The Stand and I've got to say that sometimes the idea of everyone being wiped out with a few stragglers roaming the earth is quite entertaining. Naturally these musings involve me being alive along with a handful of large breasted females scattered around while I perform heroic deeds to woo them. Maybe I consider that this would be my chance to actually get with some real honeys as their choice would be limited to me with a gun or a horde of rotting zombies. I gotta win that one surely.

State of Trance was good this Thursday and I managed to get some good reply emails done. Next week is the 250th episode and I think they might have some big things planned, so it should be a good show. Needless to say there was no contact from the barmaid. I wasn't surprised. I'm sure it might freak some people out or they might be scared of looking in case it's a website teeming with viruses or something. But you never know, maybe she looked, decided I was a loser but still smiled. For an attractive barmaid who must be regularly bombarded with phone numbers and cards one can only hope that no one has ever given her a card simply with their website address on it. If you can't be special, at least be unique eh!

How can I lose weight when I enjoy eating so much? This idea was tested again on Friday when the concept of 'hot lunch' was touted round the office. Someone brought in fresh steak pies and the cast was set. If you are having a pie then you might as well succumb to all other temptations, so some quality chips from a local cafe were purchased along with the preparation of some baked beans and buttered bread. If you make the decision to let go then do it in style I say and boy did I. Christ you can't beat a good pie with chips and beans at lunchtime. Naturally I enjoy all the other fast foods that we get but there is just something more civilised and more collective as a team with all of us sat round a table with knives and forks. I'm a man of simple tastes and what a meal. Later that afternoon I also received a mid year bonus from my two directors. They never cease to surprise and humble me with their generosity. As well as being delighted, I also felt guilty as sometimes I do not feel I work for them as hard as I should to be so well rewarded. That's not saying that I'm lazy, just that what I do I think many others could do quite easily. I am unswervingly loyal though and never stop reminding them how much I enjoy working there. Having been an employer myself I understand the value of that at least.

Got in late and decided to watch Wolf Creek which I been lent. It's an Australian horror film and was rather good. Being late and a scary film I thought I'd maximise the viewing experience and watch it in bed, in the dark with the headphones on. I did temper this though with a sandwich and yoghurt (muller fruit corner which I've since developed a craving for). Some Oz films seem quite cheaply made and though this wasn't made on a hollywood style budget it did spend the money in the right places. It was gory yes but genuinely unnerving and unsettling. I wouldn't say it scared me but it left me with plenty to think about and some memorable scenes and moments. It captured very well that whole feeling of being hunted and how alone one could feel in the outback.

Hit the gym hard on Saturday, punching out the calories to burn off the previous days excess. I was sweating right through by the time I hit the changing rooms. Peeled off my sodden clothes to realise that brilliantly I'd forgotten my shower gel. I was having my hair cut straight after the gym and didn't have time to head home. Naturally I cursed and quickly ran through in my head how good water is on it's own as a cleaning agent. Whilst I contemplated slapping on some liquid soap in the toilet area and then running into the shower so that I looked like someone attempting a cross channel swim covered in goose fat, I did a quick recce in the showers to see if anyone had discarded an empty shower gel bottle as they sometimes do, normally to my annoyance. Lo and behold in the last cubicle, right in the corner was a bottle of Asda moisturising cream shower gel for 69p that was virtually empty. I squeezed out as much as I could and slapped it on my hair before popping the end off and fishing round inside the rim with my little finger to extract the final dregs of gel. Being the low grade shit that it was I didn't want to introduce the water until I was sure I'd rubbed it into my hair. I also added some water to the bottle and slooshed it round before tipping it over head and shoulders. Not ideal but what was I to do. Slapped on my deodorant and spray and did apologise to my hairdresser just in case but I wasn't kicking up. Descended into a completely irrational and all consuming rage when I thought the tax man had taken a huge chunk out of my bonus after I checked my account balance. I was in a blind fury, quickly doing arithmetic in my head to calculate how much had been taken and fuming over how I would ever be able to save any cash when being robbed blind by the chancellor. Got home and investigated further to realise that in fact said bonus wasn't being paid until the following month and all my anger was pointless. What a child.

Decided on a quiet Saturday night as I have a busy bank holiday weekend coming. Is this the first sign of old age? Got a few dvd's out and settled down to watch one before realised that Ride with the Devil was on. What a great film this is and one that I will always watch. My brother had seen it before and also felt the same so we enjoyed it again together. One of Ang Lee's finest films and an interesting tale of friendship and love in the civil war. It sounds mushy but it isn't and deals with the friendship between the white Jake Roedell and black Daniel Holt very well. It also stars this lovely country and western singer called Jewel and contains one of the best lines from a film delivered with real panache by Daniel "if you've done the milking, might as well have the cream". Quality. Followed this with Sahara which we knew would be throwaway but not wasn't as bad as we might have feared.

Saw another excellent Moto GP race on the Sunday. I had begun to get frustrated with it when Rossi blasted to the front and it became very processional. I know he's talented but it seems few have the courage to challenge him and with the commentators blowing seven shades of shit up his arse it can be tedious. Joy of joy though and he had engine failure which suddenly picked things up and Marco Melandri raced to a second chequered flag. What a great season this is turning out to be. Watched the other dvd which was the film Stealth and personally I enjoyed it. I'd wanted to check this out at the cinema when initially released. I knew it was a complete popcorn movie and wasn't expecting a taut thriller but some of the action shots and explosions looked really good and the design of the planes looked awesome. It gave me what I was looking for and I can't ask for more than that.

Looking forward to the coming weekend. Got a 70's & 80's disco on the Friday and who doesn't love getting down to those funky tunes and then out at Brixton Academy on the Saturday night for some hard house and trance. Fingers crossed for some good nights although I know from bitter experience that when you look forward to something it rarely delivers so maybe I should start expecting them to be crap and then I won't be disappointed. Until that day my friends.


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